Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Santa Monica reunion of the East High Class of 1965

It wasn't a huge assemblage, but it surely was fun! Click here to enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, May 01, 2016

I’m happy to report that Jan Fries has checked in to say she and hubby Frank will be joining us for at least two days of the Southern California reunion of the East High Class of 1965.

Specifically, they’ll arrive at the Ocean View Hotel in Santa Monica Saturday afternoon, May 7, the day before the official start of the reunion, and and be with us through at least the dinner on Monday.

Jan says, if anybody will be in the area on Saturday evening, it would be fun to meet up. She can be reached by cell at 206-276-5770.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Somewhat belatedly--OK, a lot belatedly--I've put up an album of photos from the June 2015 reunion of the East High Class of 1965:



You may get a sign-in request when you hit the page -- just ignore it. Click anywhere on the page & it will go away and you'll able to view and download pictures at will.

Final reunion update!

Yup, this is the last update you’ll see unless something changes between now and the start of the reunion on May 8.

What this will add to the the previous information is dinner plans for the three evenings of the reunion.

Carolyn Ugiss (Altieri) has made reservations at the restaurants listed below, in each case at 7:30 for two tables of 8. (If we can all fit at one table, we’ll cancel the other one.) All are within walking distance of the Ocean View Hotel.

The plan is the same every night: Meet at 7 pm in the lobby of the Ocean View and walk to the restaurant by 7:30. Like everything else at the reunion, attendance at the dinners is optional but of course much encouraged as they’ll be a great chance to eat, drink, shoot the breeze, and make merry.

If possible, please let us know if you're coming to any/all of the dinners, how many are in your party, and whether you'll walk with us from the Ocean View or arrive separately. You can do this by leaving a note here or by emailing me at sj.alaska@gmail.com.

Here are the days and restaurants:

Sunday, May 8:
Del Frisco Grille
1551 Ocean Ave

Monday, May 9:  
Buca di Beppo
1442 2nd St

Tuesday, May 10:
Border Grille
1445 4th St

To recap, here are the full details of the Santa Monica reunion of the East Anchorage High School Class of 1965:

Dates: Sunday, May 8-Wednesday, May 11 (Sunday and Wednesday are travel days.)

Headquarters: Ocean View Hotel, Santa Monica


Sun-Mon-Tues, 7pm: Gather in Ocean View lobby, walk to dinner at nearby restaurant, arriving by at 7:30

Monday, 11 a.m.: Universal Studio Tour. Meet up outside the entrance to the line for the Shrek 4-D attraction, which is just inside the main entrance gate. That way if you’re early you can get coffee or water or some other refreshment while you hang out inside the park. Ticket-wise, you want a day pass.

Info and tickets here: http://www.universalstudioshollywood.com/

Tuesday, 2 pm: Tour of the stars’ homes by Ultimate Hollywood Tours
Meet at 1:45 at Ultimate’s bus-boarding area, 6660 W. Sunset Blvd.
Info here: http://ultimatehollywoodtours.com/

How to buy tickets: I recommend that you do it over the phone so that you can tell them you are with the “East High Reunion.” This won’t get you a discount but it will increase the chances that we all end up on the same bus. I think the buses only hold about 14 people, so there’s some chance we will be able to commandeer an entire bus for ourselves! The phone number (also on the website) is 323-915-1889.

You can buy online if you prefer, but there is no way online to do the “East High reunion” thing, so you may not end up on the official ‘65 T-Birds tour bus!

You’ll be happy to know I’ve requested a bus with a cash bar. Sadly, I’m told that’s not likely. However, I’ve also requested our tour guide be a famous screenwriter named Steve Bingen, which is possible, because he does work for Ultimate Hollywood.

Why famous? Because he was one of the writers of a cinematic masterpiece called “The Ghastly Love of Johnny X.” It was the lowest-grossing movie of 2012, raking in an awesome $2,436 at the box office! Which may explain why he is now a tour guide for Ultimate Hollywood. You can check it out here at the Internet Movie Database: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1754633/

And finally:

Here are my cell phone number and email address. Feel free to contact me at any time with any questions about the reunion.

907-350-7711, sj.alaska@gmail.com.

If you’re on the reunion email list, you’ll have received as well the cell numbers of Bill Cummings and Carolyn Ugiss (Altieri), the two other members of the ad hoc organizing committee for this awesome event. Feel free to call or text either of them also with questions about the reunion. 

Hope to see you in Santa Monica!

Stan Jones
On Behalf of the Ad Hoc Organizing Committee
2016 Santa Monica Reunion of the East Anchorage High School Class of 1965

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Santa Monica reunion update!

Im happy to report that the Santa Monica reunion of the East Anchorage High School Class of 1965 is still a happening thing!

To recap:

Dates: Sunday, May 8-Tuesday, May 10

Headquarters: Ocean View Hotel, Santa Monica


Your tireless ad hoc organizing committee has come with an actual, but limited, schedule for the reunion. Like everything about the reunion, this schedule is entirely voluntary and optional. The point of this reunion is to hang out and get reacquainted. The events are just various forms and forums for doing that:

Sun-Mon-Tues: Gather in Ocean View lobby at 7 pm for some sort of group dinner expedition

Monday, 11 a.m.: Universal Studio Tour. Meet up outside the entrance to the line for the Shrek 4-D attraction, which is just inside the main entrance gate. 
That way if people are early they get a coffee or water or something inside the park.

Info and tickets here: http://www.universalstudioshollywood.com/

Tuesday, 2 pm: Tour of the stars’ homes by Ultimate Hollywood Tours
Meet at 1:45 at Ultimate’s bus-boarding area, 6660 W. Sunset Blvd.
Info here: http://ultimatehollywoodtours.com/

How to buy tickets: I recommend that you do it over the phone so that you can tell them you are with the “East High Reunion.” This won’t get you a discount but it will increase the chances that we all end up on the same bus. I think the buses only hold about 14 people, so there’s some chance we will be able to commandeer an entire bus for ourselves! The phone number (also on the website) is 323-915-1889.

You can buy online if you prefer, but there is no way online to do the “East High reunion” thing, so you may not end up on the official T-Birds of 65 tour bus!

You’ll be happy to know I’ve requested a bus with a cash bar. Sadly, I’m told that’s not
 likely. However, I’ve also requested our tour guide be a famous screenwriter named Steve Bingen, which is possible, because he does work for Ultimate Hollywood.

Why famous? Because he was one of the writers of a cinematic masterpiece called “The 
Ghastly Love of Johnny X.” It was the lowest-grossing movie of 2012, raking in an awesome
 $2,436 at the box office! Which may explain why he is now a tour guide for Ultimate Hollywood. You can check it out here at the Internet Movie Database: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1754633/

If you have questions, feel free to call or text me at 907-350-7711 
or email me at sj.alaska@gmail.com.

Hope to see you in Santa Monica!

Stan Jones
On Behalf of the Ad Hoc Organizing Committee
2016 Santa Monica Reunion of the East Anchorage High School Class of 1965

Sunday, February 28, 2016

SoCal reunion update

Yes, the Santa Monica reunion of the East Anchorage high school class of 1965 is still very much on!

To recap: It will be based at the Ocean View Hotel in Santa Monica and the dates are May 8th thru May 11th, 2016.

Here are a couple of update items:

Update Item No. 1: I did call the Ocean View to see about getting a discount or special rate for the reunion. The answer was, "Sure, if you want to book a bunch of rooms in advance and guarantee payment." Needless to say, I declined, so I must report with great sorrow that no discount or special rate will be available at the Ocean View for the reunion.

I will also note that May is probably in the high season at the Ocean View, and the rates are a bit sticker-shocky. But be advised there are a lot of other hotels in or near Santa Monica that don't cost as much--try Kayak.com, Hotels.com, or one of the other online booking sites. There's actually one called the Hotel California (about which I know nothing except that it has an awesome name!).

At any rate, feel free to shop around. While the reunion is based out of the Ocean View, that doesn't mean you have to stay there to participate. "Based" just means that the Ocean View will be the rendezvous point and hangout spot for the reunion. Given the power smartphones and digital communications these days--like Facebook and email--it will be easy to keep each other abreast of what's going on.

Update Item No. 2: I have compiled a rough list of people who have indicated they are coming or at least considering it:

Stan Jones
Bill Cummings
Carolyn Ugiss (Altieri)
Bill Edwards
Sam Penney
Wayne Butch
Bill Conyers
Bill Robbins

As I say, this list is rough. It's compiled from Facebook posts and emails. There may well be others planning to come who've not weighed in yet, while some on the list may change their plans between now and May.

So If there's someone on or off this list that you are really interested in seeing and their presence might motivate you to join the reunion, I suggest contacting them personally to determine if they are coming.

If you want to communicate about the reunion, you can leave a comment to this post, or contact me at sj.alaska@gmail.com or 907-350-7711. Also, this same information is being posted on the class Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/234680880163/permalink/10156602618360164/ . Please check back from time to time for further updates.

I look forward to seeing lots of you old Easties at the Ocean View Hotel in Santa Monica in May, not to mention on the beach, on the pier, on the ferris wheel and who knows where else!

And, for you fans of Americana nostalgia: The Santa Monica pier has a monument to Route 66, which ends in downtown Santa Monica!

Stan Jones
Co-coordinator and factotum
Ad Hoc Organizing Committee for the May 2016 Southern California Reunion of the East Anchorage High School Class of 1965

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Mini reunion in sunny Southern California

for the East High Class of 1965 this spring! 

If you live in the western half of the country, or just want to catch some sun and sand this spring, be advised that a mini-reunion is coming together in Santa Monica May 8-11. It’ll be based out of the Ocean View Hotel, website here: http://www.oceanviewsantamonica.com

The Ocean View, as the website shows, overlooks the beach in Santa Monica and is a fine place to stay. My wife and I stayed there in September of 2014 after completing a drive of the entire length of Route 66.

The mini-reunion is decidedly informal. No specific events are planned, it’s just a chance to convene & hang out in Santa Monica for a few days, eat, drink, ride the Ferris wheel, walk the pier, stroll the beach, and talk about how much better things were in the old days (not!).

That said, if enough people join in, we could surely find a venue in Santa Monica--perhaps even in the Ocean View--for a reunion dinner.

So, if you’re planning on coming, please leave a note to that effect on the Class of 65 Facebook page, or email me at sj.alaska@gmail.com. I’ll keep on eye on how many people have indicated they are coming, and will revisit the idea of a dinner if the number gets high enough to suggest it’s merited.

Who’s signed on so far? This gathering actually grew out of a discussion between me, Bill Cummings, and Carolyn Ugiss (Altieri). We hadn’t gotten together in a while and I was going to be in LA in May to visit my son, so we decided to meet in Santa Monica for a hangout around that time. Once we got that far, we said, “Well, what the heck, let’s declare it a reunion and throw it open the whole class!

And that’s why it’s so informal. In keeping with the spirit of the times when we graduated from East High, we’re wingin’ it!

See you in Santa Monica?

Stan Jones, Factotum
Ad Hoc Organizing Committee for the Santa Monica 2016 Reunion of the East Anchorage High School Class of 1965