Sunday, June 18, 2006

Reunion lite -- June 17, 2006!

Yes, Reunion Lite 2006 actually happened. Probably a dozen to 15 people showed up Saturday afternoon at Jerry and Nancy Wertzbaugher's house. They included a couple of new sightings -- Dennis Strait and Toni Elmore for example -- and Susie Veatch brought her new husband, Dan Gold! See below, and enjoy!

Ray Vaughn, Dennis Strait

Gail Irvine, John Wood

Gail Irvine

Rosemary Barber Shinohara

Rosemary Barber Shinohara, Susan Jones (wife of Stan), Sam Penney

Sam Penny, Dale Trombley, Marti Miller Engebretsen

Rosemary Barber Shinohara and Toni Elmore

Susie Veatch Gold and new husband Dan Gold

Jerry Wertzbaugher with family friend Fred Webb who attended Reunion Lite

Marti Biller Engebretson, Nancy Wimmer Wertzbaugher, and Gail Irvine

Sam Penney

Dale Trombley, Marti Miller Engebretsen, and a copy of one of Stan Jones's books!

Well, that's about it. Hope you enjoyed the pictures, and hope we see you next year at the 2007 Reunion Lite -- check back for dates and particulars, or watch Ray Vaughn's site at

-- Stan Jones

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Way We Were

Yup, it’s true, your faithful blog-dog, Stan Jones, has painstakingly put the entire senior section of photographs from the East High 1965 yearbook online. Click below to see ‘em and weep:

Pamela Agle – Pat Arnold

Peggy Artz – Stu Baldwin

Jack Baldwin – Drew Bates

Ray Beam – Arthur Beltz

Mary Benner – Barbara Bodenheimer

Mary Bogan – Diane Bradley

Ray Brady – Bruce Bruns

Danny Bryant – Don Carlson

Tim Catching – Pat Clark

Steven Clay – Sue Ann Cole

Mike Coleman – Joseph Cramblit

Stella Crayton – John Curran

Candy Cusack – Janice Delco

Philip Delduke – Fred Earles

Mike Easley – Arne Erickson

Elizabeth Erickson – David Faulk

Dodie Fawcett – Linda Forsyth

Tex Frey – Linda Gillam

Edwin Gilliland – Beverly Green

Evelyn Grinder – Ray Harding

Helen Hardy – Paulette Hibbler

Dale Hillman – Donna Irvine

Gail Irvine – Jerry Johnson

Margaret Johnson – Jo Ann Keddie

Jerome Kendrick – Frank Konte

Steve Kortie – Dean Leahy

Jerry Leask – Rexine Lindquist

Jack London – Mary McDaniel

Carolyn McDowell – Kenneth McFarling

Tom McHenry – Jan McKinnon

Teresa McCloud – Rebecca Malidori

Richard Meyer – Bob Monson

Nelda Moonier – Lanny Nelson

Yvonne Nelson – Bill Norton

Barbara Novelli – Joyce Parker

Larry Parthum – Mike Plimpton

Jill Plyler – Ursula Purcell

Glenda Queen – Crickett Reynolds

Pat Rhodes – Bill Rowland

Donna Rubottom – Patricia Rummage

Mary Ellen Rupert – Judy Sajdak

Marilou Sappah – Kathy Shanahan

Laurie Shaver – Mike Smith

Margaret Smiley – David Staib

Jan Staley – Terry Stewart

Harry Stoddard – Mike Swan

Richard Talley – James Topolski

Cheryl Tremaine – Ray Vaughn

Dennis Vincent – Cecelia Watts

Richard Watts – Rolf Wikner

Carolyn Williams – John Wolfe

John Wood – Gary Wooters

Loretta Worden – Barbara Zoller

Late: Gary Chapman – Gary Johnson

Late: Paul Kennicott – Robert Wilson

Late: Philip Whitney – Samuel Snyder